PLANET FIST JAM Results & new Faithless Edition playtesting ends soon!

Greetings soldiers. I'm excited to add one bright moment to another day of Sixauran hell by announcing the winners of  PLANET FIST JAM, and letting you know about the upcoming new edition made possible by all our lovely itchfunding backers!

PLANET FIST: Faithless Edition playtesting wraps up soon!

For the last 3 months, the PLANET FIST Community Discord has been hosting public playtests of PLANET FIST: Faithless Edition, a whole new edition of the game. 

If you want to playtest Faithless Edition & get a thank you included in the upcoming new book, you have 1 month left!

You can playtest with your home group by replying to this email to get a free copy of the Faithless Edition playtest book, or join the community Discord to find a public playtest to play in. If you GM a playtest, you even get a free PDF copy of all of my games!

What's in Faithless Edition?

Faithless Edition is also more than just the itchfunder-promised new mission, new battlemap, and 12 new THREATS. It also includes:

  • The APPROACH: An all new mechanic for skipping the boring planning stage of a mission and cutting directly into the action, with a unique RETCON mechanic for ex-post-facto player-GM negotiation about what exactly happened during the moments in between,
  • GM MOVES i.e. BARREL MOVES, BULLET MOVES, and RECOIL MOVES: These new GM tools are my own take on what you might know as "hard" and "soft" moves in Powered by the Apocalypse games. First, the GM shows you the BARREL. If you fail to prevent it...well soldier, you get the BULLET. This includes a whole framework for issuing and executing threats to players, including dozens of stock moves for you to pick or even roll randomly as GM. It's never been easier to run PLANET FIST.
  • TOTALLY REVAMPED COMBAT STRUCTURE: The COMBAT ROUND & TURN structure has been massively streamlined, reducing steps even as it makes a crucial addition: BARREL MOVES & BULLET MOVES built in. The top of every round, the GM makes a threat for every NPC squad. You, the players, know everything that will happen if you fail to stop them, Into the Breach style —so what's your plan soldier?
  • TOTALLY REVAMPED FRIENDLY NPC SYSTEM: War is more fun with friends—or at least as close to fun as it ever gets.  Faithless Edition adds simple but evocative new procedures for interacting with friendly NPCs on the battlefield.
  • SO MUCH MORE: Dozens of new ADVANCEMENT items, MELEE weapons, iterative improvements to almost every TRAIT in the game, streamlined character creation, streamlined reassembly procedures, more GM tipsnew character spreadsheet features, and even MORE! 

Put simply, Faithless Edition is the game I wanted PLANET FIST to be when I developed it in 3 months for FIST Ultra Jam. I can't wait for you all to Faithless Edition it when it releases later this year! And keep your eye out for a loosely jelly-related announcement near the release. Speaking of jelly-related...


Per category, our winners are:

SKIRMISH: PLANET CIS by @downloadagoat

PLANET CIS, the best named hack of all time, takes the high-death respawn mechanics of PLANET FIST & sets it in Star Wars, having you play as disposable battle droids. I got the chance to play, and the slapstick comedy made for one of the funniest TTRPG sessions I've ever been in. This incredibly impressive 40 page total conversion hack of PLANET FIST is for all intents and purposes Star Wars Battlefront II the TTRPG—and it adapts the PLANET FIST combat formula perfectly, much deserving the SKIRMISH award and itch's overall #1 jam entry!

Are you nostalgic for playing Battlefront in your friend's basement, dying, swapping classes, and capturing command posts? Roger roger, @downloadagoat has got you.


In PLANET FIST: Church of True Death you're the cannonfodder of a religious order bent on war. Want Warhammer 40k Inquistor-style satire that perfectly matches the tone of PLANET FIST ? Get it here. The flavor of this new faction is  amazing, and the STORYTELLING award is much deserved. Plus, the FACTION TRAIT mechanics in this are so clever—wish I'd thought of these—and they integrate so ludonarratively well with the fantastic writing for this supplement.

ADMIRAL'S CHOICE: The Spouts: A Micro-Setting for PLANET FIST by Gaelith

The Spouts goes above and beyond as a mission for PLANET FIST. It's more than just a sick new battlemap & set of new THREATS with unique mechanics. It's also countless pages of absolutely wild random tables full of strange, malfunctioning gear and vehicle modifications. I got to play The Spouts, and watching a tank fully roll over and careen across the battlefield because a malfunctioning AI printed it with an absurdly topheavy gun that also turned the same soldier into a crater 3 turns into a row was absolutely amazing. If you're looking to sit down and play a hilarious game of  PLANET FIST with a whole mission and map already prepped, and a bunch of random tables to inspire great moments, this is the PLANET FIST JAM entry for you!


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

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